Top "Uiactionsheet" questions

UIActionSheet and UIActionSheetDelegate is deprecated in iOS 8. To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet.

How to display the UIActionSheet view from above Tab Bar Controller?

I need to display the action sheet above the Tab Bar controller. I mean, I would be able to see …

iphone objective-c uiactionsheet tabbarcontroller
Custom UIActionSheet for iOS

Is it possible to create an action sheet that looks like the attached image for iOS? This is the screenshot …

ios uiactionsheet
Showing a UIActionSheet

I was wondering how to show a UIActionSheet from the bottom of the screen. I have tried using the showInView: …

iphone objective-c uiactionsheet
Retain/release pattern for UIPopoverController, UIActionSheet, and modal view controllers?

I'm somewhat unclear on the object ownership patterns required for the following instances. When my UIViewController presents a popover controller, …

iphone uiviewcontroller uiactionsheet uipopovercontroller
How to display datepicker like that in iOS 7 calendar UIDatePicker

I'm new to iOS development, learning bits and pieces. I've few more queries in continuation to another thread (iOS7: How …

ios calendar uidatepicker uiactionsheet
UIAlertAction completion block not called - iOS

I have an iOS app with a UIAlertController in the form of a action sheet being presented in my app …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
Subclassing UIAlertController

With pre-iOS 8 we had to use the UIAlertView and UIActionSheet Which we weren't allowed to mess with the view hierarchy …

objective-c uialertview uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
UIDatePicker in PopoverView in iPad

I have an iPad specific application running iOS 3.2.2 which displays a settings view in a ui popover. This all renders …

ios ipad uidatepicker uipopovercontroller uiactionsheet