Top "Uiactionsheet" questions

UIActionSheet and UIActionSheetDelegate is deprecated in iOS 8. To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet.

Issue with UIActionSheet

When I run my app and I click button for actionsheet appears this: Presenting action sheet clipped by its superview. …

iphone uiactionsheet
How to fire uibarbuttonitem click event programmatically

I have created a UIActionSheet UIActionSheet * action = [[UIActionSheet alloc]initWithTitle:@"" delegate:self cancelButtonTitle: @"cancel" destructiveButtonTitle: @"OK" otherButtonTitles: nil]; [action showInView:…

iphone ios events uibarbuttonitem uiactionsheet
UIActionSheet from Popover with iOS8 GM

Anyone is getting this message while trying to show UIActionSheet from popover? Your application has presented a UIAlertController () of style …

ios ios8 uipopovercontroller uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
Change font type and size of UIActionSheet title string

I have a UIActionSheet with title string "DO: These tasks". In the title string, the substring "DO:" should be Bold(…

iphone ios uiactionsheet font-size
How to customize Buttons in UIActionSheet?

I want to change the image of the buttons of UIActionSheet, I have images for each button, and I want …

iphone ipad uiactionsheet
UIActionSheet with swift

I created an action sheet, but the problem is that the delegate method is not called myActionSheet = UIActionSheet() myActionSheet.addButtonWithTitle("…

ios7 swift uiactionsheet ios8
Accessing UIPopoverController for UIActionSheet on iPad

On the iPad, one can show a UIActionSheet using -showFromBarButtonItem:animated:. This is convenient because it wraps a UIPopoverController around …

ipad uipopovercontroller uiactionsheet
Social action sheet (like on iOS 6)

on iOS 6 a change was that when you want to share something it brings up an action sheet similar to …

objective-c ios xcode uiactionsheet sharing
Change tint color of UIAlertview and UIActionsheet buttons

I am trying to adapt my application for iOS 7. The issue I am having is I can not change the …

ios objective-c cocoa-touch uialertview uiactionsheet
UIAlertController handle dismiss upon click outside (IPad)

Previous to iOS8 we used the UIActionSheet for showing alert and now we need to use the UIAlertController. When we …

ios ipad ios8 uiactionsheet uialertcontroller