Top "Uiactionsheet" questions

UIActionSheet and UIActionSheetDelegate is deprecated in iOS 8. To create and manage action sheets in iOS 8 and later, instead use UIAlertController with a preferredStyle of UIAlertControllerStyleActionSheet.

How to customize UIActionSheet? iOS

Is it possible to create an ActionSheet that have a label between two buttons like this image?

objective-c uiactionsheet
Swift UIAlertController -> ActionSheet iPad iOS8 Crashes

currently i'm running into big trouble with my ActionSheet. On iPhone it works great, but on iPad it only crashes …

iphone ipad swift uiactionsheet
Display UIAlertController from UIView/NSObject class

I have working iOS application In order to support iOS8, I am replacing UIAlertView/UIActionSheet with UIAlertController. Problem : For display …

objective-c uialertview ios8 uiactionsheet uialertcontroller
Add UIPickerView in UIActionSheet from IOS 8 not working

I am adding UIPickerView to UIActionsheet but its working perfectally in ios 7 but not working in ios 8. Please help me …

ios iphone uipickerview uiactionsheet ios8
Dismissing UIAlertViews when entering background state

Apple recommends dismissing any UIAlertViews/UIActionSheets when entering background state in iOS 4. This is to avoid any confusion on the …

ios ios4 background uialertview uiactionsheet
ActionSheet not working iPad

I'm using ActionSheet in my application. On my iPhone it works, but it doesn't on the iPad simulator. this is …

ios ipad swift uiactionsheet
Create UIActionSheet 'otherButtons' by passing in array, not varlist

I have an array of strings that I want to use for button titles on a UIActionSheet. Unfortunately, the otherButtonTitles: …

ios iphone uialertview uiactionsheet
Password protect iPhone app

I'm starting a new app, and I'd like to know how to require a password to open it. I was …

ios xcode iphone-sdk-3.0 password-protection uiactionsheet
Using UIActionSheet on iPad

Apple's documentation for the UIActionSheet is causing me confusion. First off, in the iPad Human Interface Guidelines, it says : To …

objective-c ipad uialertview uipopovercontroller uiactionsheet
UIActionSheet cancel button strange behaviour

I have a UIBarButtonItem opening an action sheet to offer users choices about what to do. Everything works as expected …

ios objective-c iphone cocoa-touch uiactionsheet