Top "Typeconverter" questions

TypeConverters provide the means for converting values to other types.

Convert binary string to binary or decimal value

Is there any function to convert binary string into binary or decimal value? If I have a binary string 000101, what …

r binary typeconverter valueconverter bitconverter
Converting to int16, int32, int64 - how do you know which one to choose?

I often have to convert a retreived value (usually as a string) - and then convert it to an int. …

c# integer typeconverter
Convert HEX column to DEC in MySQL

I am writing an application which will do some formatting to CSV file and uploads the table to mysql after …

php mysql hex decimal typeconverter
Converting unknown interface to float64 in Golang

So I am receiving an interface{}, but I want to in any way possible convert it to a float64 or …

floating-point go typeconverter
c# how to implement type converter

I am struggling to implement a simple Type converter in C#. I followed this guide…

c# typeconverter
Newtonsoft.JSON cannot convert model with TypeConverter attribute

I have an C# MVC application which stores data as JSON strings in an XML document and also in MySQL …

c# json serialization typeconverter
Enumeration to boolean casting question

I have the following enumeration: public enum MyEnum { MyTrue, MyFalse } And I'd like to eventually be able to automatically convert …

c# casting enums typeconverter
AutoMapper - how to use custom value resolver inside custom type converter

How can I use custom value resolvers inside custom type converter? Currently, it seems to me hard to achieve. Do …

c# mapping automapper typeconverter resolver
convert from short to byte and viceversa in Java

I'm trying to convert a short into 2 bytes...and then from those 2 bytes try to get the same short value. …

java byte typeconverter short
List<Integer> cannot be converted to ArrayList<Integer>

At the beginning of my code, there is: List<List<Integer>> result = new ArrayList(); And then, (…

java list typeconverter