Top "Typeconverter" questions

TypeConverters provide the means for converting values to other types.

C - Convert long int to signed hex string

MASSIVE EDIT: I have a long int variable that I need to convert to a signed 24bit hexadecimal string without …

c integer hex typeconverter
C#: How to use a Type Converter to localize enums

I'm trying to understand how to use Type Converters after reading this answer to one of my other questions. But …

c# localization enums typeconverter
Generic conversion function doesn't seem to work with Guids

I have the following code: public static T ParameterFetchValue<T>(string parameterKey) { Parameter result = null; result = ParameterRepository.FetchParameter(…

c# .net generics typeconverter
Bind Any XML document to WPF TreeView

I would like to bind any XML document to WPF TreeView using TypeConverter. My original solution was to use recursion, …

c# wpf xml treeview typeconverter
Convert System.Drawing.Image to Emgu.CV.Image<Gray,byte>

Is there any way to convert an Image of type System.Drawing.Image in to Image of Emgu.CV.Image …

c# image emgucv typeconverter
How to convert Uint8list to List<int> with dart?

I developed a mobile application with flutter. I do object detection use "controller.startImageStream" this method return CameraImage and i …

flutter dart typeconverter uint8list
ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor

I'm trying to get an overall understanding of how you use ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor to change how a …

c# propertygrid typeconverter uitypeeditor customtypedescriptor
How does one databind a custom type to TextBox.Text?

I have a custom c# type like (just an example): public class MyVector { public double X {get; set;} public double …

c# winforms data-binding textbox typeconverter
Convert from string to system.drawing.point c#

I want to convert from string {X=-24,Y=10} which generated by Point.ToString(); to Point again? I save the …

c# string point typeconverter
converting datetime from wmiobject to datetime

Trying to get the difference in days between to dates: Today's date. and a date/time from a wmiobject (this …

powershell datetime typeconverter get-wmiobject