Top "Propertygrid" questions

.NET control for providing a UI that allows the properties of one or more objects to be viewed and edited.

Remove C# attribute of a property dynamically

I have a class with a set of properties As given below. class ContactInfo { [ReadOnly(true)] [Category("Contact Info")] public …

c# .net propertygrid
How to create custom PropertyGrid editor item which opens a form?

I have a List<> (my custom class). I want to display a specific item in this list in …

c# winforms propertygrid
How to modify PropertyGrid at runtime (add/remove property and dynamic types/enums)

How do you modify a propertygrid at runtime in every way? I want to be able to add and remove …

c# .net winforms propertygrid
How to display a dynamic object in property grid?

I have a custom object type which has to be editable in PropertyGrid: public class CustomObjectType { public string Name { get; …

c# winforms propertygrid
How to add property-level Attribute to the TypeDescriptor at runtime?

I want to add some custom PropertyGrid-centric Attributes to the object's properties, to provide richer editing, hide some values and …

c# .net propertygrid system.componentmodel typedescriptor
Convert string array to enum on the fly

I am binding an enum to a property grid like this: public enum myEnum { Ethernet, Wireless, Bluetooth } public class MyClass { …

c# arrays winforms enums propertygrid
C# .Net 4.5 PropertyGrid: how to hide Properties

The problem is simple(and I hope that this have a simple solution!): I want to hide ( Browsable(false) ) the …

c# .net properties propertygrid
PropertyGrid doesn't notice properties changed in code?

I have a Winform application which uses colour to highlight certain things. I would like to allow the users to …

c# winforms data-binding inotifypropertychanged propertygrid
Dynamic PropertyGrid properties

So for this project I'm working on, we've decided to use the .NET PropertyGrid control. The propertygrid gets populated with …

c# .net propertygrid
display list of custom objects as a drop-down in the PropertiesGrid

I want to take an object, let's say this object: public class BenchmarkList { public string ListName { get; set; } public IList&…

c# winforms propertygrid