Top "Propertygrid" questions

.NET control for providing a UI that allows the properties of one or more objects to be viewed and edited.

How do you create a custom collection editor form for use with the property grid?

I am trying to incorporate a property grid control with a class that has a list/collection of another class …

c# .net propertygrid collectioneditor
How do you control what is visible in a property grid at runtime?

I have a property grid displaying a list, for example of a class Person [TypeConverter(typeof(ExpandableObjectConverter))] public class Person { …

c# winforms propertygrid
A property grid in jQuery

I want to create a property grid like this: Ext JS Property Grid demo However I don't want to use …

jquery grid propertygrid
How can I force the PropertyGrid to show a custom dialog for a specific property?

I have a class with a string property, having both a getter and a setter, that is often so long …

.net attributes propertygrid
How do I inject a custom UITypeEditor for all properties of a closed-source type?

I want to avoid placing an EditorAttribute on every instance of a certain type that I've written a custom UITypeEditor …

c# .net propertygrid uitypeeditor
How to show or hide properties dynamically in the PropertyGrid?

I am using a PropertyGrid for configuring objects. I need to be able to hide or show some properties depending …

c# .net winforms propertygrid
How do you have a button in a property grid?

I have a property grid that will have a few properties referenced. I would like to have one of the …

c# .net winforms user-interface propertygrid
TypeConverter in propertygrid only converts from string, not to

Only the ConvertTo method gets called(a lot of times) when accessing the propertygrid. This correctly returns the "Foo!" string …

c# .net propertygrid typeconverter
How do I view object properties in PropertyGrid?

At the moment I have an object of type A which is being viewed by the PropertyGrid. However, one of …

c# view propertygrid expand
Get the default PropertyDescriptors for a type

I'm customizing how an object type is displayed in a PropertyGrid by implementing ICustomTypeDescriptor. I'm allowing the user to create …

c# propertygrid propertyinfo propertydescriptor