Top "Typeconverter" questions

TypeConverters provide the means for converting values to other types.

Convert double to string

i have three double variable a ,b and c a = 0.000006 b = 6 c = a/b; so C should be 0.000001 i want …

c# typeconverter
Convert from JSONArray to ArrayList<CustomObject> - Android

I converted an ArrayList to an JSONArray. How can I convert it back? The final result must be an ArrayList. …

android json parsing arraylist typeconverter
How to convert NSMutableData to NSString on iPhone?

I received an NSMutableData from a server and now I want to convert it to an NSString. Any ideas about …

iphone string typeconverter
AutoMapper custom type convert using ConstructServicesUsing

According to the AutoMapper Documentation, I should be able to create and use an instance of a Custom Type Converter …

c# automapper typeconverter
Proper way of converting string to long int in PHP

I tried (int) "4209531264" and intval("4209531264") but sadly all I get is 2147483647 (I realize this is because of 32 bit architecture or …

php string casting long-integer typeconverter
Converting VARCHAR to DECIMAL values in MySql

I have imported a CSV file that contains string values (eg.eating) and floating values (eg. 0.87) into a table in …

mysql sql phpmyadmin typeconverter
Can I convert embedded base64 encode font to a font file?

I have an @font-face rule, and its look like this: @font-face{ font-family:'F'; src:url("") format("embedded-opentype"), url(data:application/…

fonts font-face typeconverter
Convert a column in pandas dataframe from String to Float

I've already read about various solutions, and tried the solution stated here: Pandas: Converting to numeric, creating NaNs when necessary …

python pandas dataframe typeconverter
How can I convert a key code into a char or string?

How to convert the keycode into char or string?? Here is the example code: public boolean onKey(View v, int …

android keycode typeconverter
How to convert string to Keys

try to implement combination of keypressing for my programm currently can detect required keypressed (in this post described how) but …

c# .net winforms key typeconverter