How to convert string to Keys

hbk picture hbk · Sep 29, 2013 · Viewed 24k times · Source

try to implement combination of keypressing for my programm currently can detect required keypressed (in this post described how) but only predefined in code, but I want to store setting in condig file then read it and use if pressed.

Now can store it, and read as string - currently try to convert readed string to Keys, using next code:

Storing in config file:

<add key="open" value="ControlKey,N"
<add key="close" value="ControlKey,Q" />
<add key="clear" value="ControlKey,D" />
<add key="settings" value="ControlKey,S" />
<add key="colorKey" value="ControlKey,K" />
<add key="fontKey" value="ShiftKey,T" />
<add key="defaultKey" value="ControlKey,P" />

and using it

    private void textBox1_KeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
        TypeConverter converter = TypeDescriptor.GetConverter(typeof(Keys));
        string[] keyValueTemp;

        keyValueTemp = cm.GetValueString("open").ToString().Split(',');
        string key1 = keyValueTemp[0];
        string key2 = keyValueTemp[1];

        Keys keys1 = (Keys)converter.ConvertFromString(key1);
        Keys keys2 = (Keys)converter.ConvertFromString(key2);

        if (ModifierKeys == keys1 && e.KeyCode == keys2)
            string keyPressed = e.KeyCode.ToString();

But, has next result -

enter image description here So - as you see - this convert control Key to Shiftkey, also try to use code if (ModifierKeys.ToString() == keyValueTemp[0] && e.KeyCode.ToString() == keyValueTemp[1]), but it's not work too.

if use this code

        if (e.Modifiers == Keys.Control && e.KeyCode == Keys.N)
            string keyPressed = e.KeyCode.ToString();

all works

Q: how can i convert string to Keys and compare it with keyPressed events?


So found my mistake

Keys key = (Keys)converter.ConvertFromString(keyValueTemp[0]);
Keys key2 = (Keys)converter.ConvertFromString(keyValueTemp[1]);
if (e.Modifiers == key && e.KeyCode == key2)

forget to add e - from event handler

another way - as written by AccessDenied

 Keys key = (Keys)Enum.Parse(typeof(Keys), keyValueTemp[0], true);


Muhammad Umar picture Muhammad Umar · Sep 29, 2013
Keys key;
Enum.TryParse("Enter", out key);