Top "Propertygrid" questions

.NET control for providing a UI that allows the properties of one or more objects to be viewed and edited.

How can I set the column width of a Property Grid?

I am using property grid in my application to display the name and value of the properties of an object. …

c# .net winforms propertygrid
How to change the DisplayNameAttribute on runtime to use in a Property Grid C#

I am wondering how to change the DisplayNameAttribute on runtime, I want the displayName to be Feet instead of Meters …

c# propertygrid
Show detailed Folder Browser from a PropertyGrid

Please note it is not a duplicate question. How to show a detailed FolderBrowser as in the image below from …

c# propertygrid folderbrowserdialog
C#/winforms: how to best bind a propertygrid and a System.Data.DataRow

i have System.Data.DataRows with several fields, most of them just plain types like int, single, string. what is …

c# winforms binding propertygrid datarow
Disable auto sorting on property grid in ExtJS

I am dealing with property grid. I want to prevent auto sorting of column names for property grid. here is …

extjs propertygrid
PropertyGrid: Hide base class properties, how?

PropertyGrid... for users Id like to leave only several of them. But now I see all, and users would be …

c# propertygrid
Updating a PropertyGrid

How can I have a property grid update automatically when the object in its SelectedObject property changes? I've tried implementing …

c# winforms data-binding propertygrid inotifypropertychanged
How can I get an OpenFileDialog in a custom control's property grid?

I'm creating a .net custom control and it should be able to load multiple text files. I have a public …

c# .net controls propertygrid
PropertyGrid and Dynamic Types of Objects

I'm writing a GUI application where I need to enable editing properties of arbitrary objects (their types are only known …

c# wpf controls propertygrid
ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor

I'm trying to get an overall understanding of how you use ICustomTypeDescriptor, TypeDescriptionProvider, TypeConverter, and UITypeEditor to change how a …

c# propertygrid typeconverter uitypeeditor customtypedescriptor