Top "Translation" questions

Translation is the process of replacing strings in an application or website to make interfacing with the application or website easier for people from countries with different languages.

how to make translation animation for each listview items

i have a listview with override getView method to populate it. now, i want to make each item of the …

java android listview animation translation
Opencv virtually camera rotating/translating for bird's eye view

I've a calibrated camera where I exactly know the intrinsic and extrinsic data. Also the height of the camera is …

opencv rotation translation homography
put new line in string to translate

I'm using ngx-translate. How can I put a line break in a string to translate ? In my template I have : {{…

angular translation ngx-translate
How to install a language pack in Magento 2?

I tried to follow the instructions from and…

translation magento2
Non-English texts in Stripe possible?

Successfully integrating Stripe into my online shop, I completely failed to get information on whether/how to configure Stripe to …

localization internationalization translation stripe-payments
3x3 Matrix Rotation in C++

Alright, first off, I know similar questions are all over the web, I have looked at more than I'd care …

c++ matrix rotation translation cartesian
Writing To The Response in Rails? (Like "echo" in PHP)

I know that I can do this in Rails: <%="hello" %> but is there any way to do this &…

php ruby-on-rails translation
Django: How to add Chinese support to the application

I am trying to add a Chinese language to my application written in Django and I have a really hard …

django localization internationalization translation cjk
Resource (.resx) file Key naming conventions?

I'm building a C# app that will likely contain a couple resource files to store strings for use in language …

c# resources naming-conventions translation
How to download language packs on PC in order to use offline Google Translate?

I want to use offline Google Translate application. I know that it is possible to download language packs on Android …

c# translation google-translate language-packs