Translation is the process of replacing strings in an application or website to make interfacing with the application or website easier for people from countries with different languages.
This is something I've always wondered, and I can't find any mention of it anywhere online. When a shop from, …
localization translation spoken-languageI started using angular-translate. Works great! But a translated character � is displayed for characters with umlaut or accent or ... (like ü …
angularjs internationalization translationWe have two .po files, each from different branches of a piece of software. We need to combine these into …
translation gettext msgfmtProblem translating placeholder text in input type="text" This is my sample code: Html: <div id="google_translate_element" …
javascript html translation placeholder google-translateFor purposes of lerping I need to decompose a 4x4 matrix into a quaternion and a vec3. Grabbing the quaternion …
matrix orientation translation decompositionHow would the following query look if I was using the extension method syntax? var query = from c in checks …
c# linq translation linq-query-syntaxI'm currently writing an app in Python and need to provide localization for it. I can use gettext and the …
python localization internationalization translationI have an i18n problem in django: This works fine : {% trans %} will be translated But …
django templates internationalization translationI have a lot of text data and want to translate it to different languages. Possible ways I know: Google …
.net translation google-api bing-apiI am developing a multilanguage application using React, i18next and i18next-browser-languagedetector. I initialize i18next the following way: …
javascript reactjs translation i18next