angular-translate does not display character accent or umlaut correctly

user3108158 picture user3108158 · Dec 16, 2013 · Viewed 21.6k times · Source

I started using angular-translate. Works great!

But a translated character � is displayed for characters with umlaut or accent or ... (like ü or ú or ñ). These same character values are displayed correctly in HTML text and as AngularJS variables.

Here's a sample output. The output for html text and angular variable display correctly. The results from $translate filter and directive don't display the correct umlaut character.

html text - Und sie untersützt mehrere Sprachen!

angular variable - Und sie untersützt mehrere Sprachen!

$translate filter - Und sie unters�tzt mehrere Sprachen!

$translate directive - Und sie unters�tzt mehrere Sprachen!

Here's the code:

'use strict';

var translations =
    "TEST_DE": "Und sie untersützt mehrere Sprachen!",
    "TEST_ES": "Menú Señor"

angular.module('testApp', ['testApp.controllers', 'pascalprecht.translate'])
  .config(['$translateProvider', function($translateProvider) {

        TEST_DE: "Und sie untersützt mehrere Sprachen!",
        TEST_ES: "Menú Señor"


angular.module('testApp.controllers', ['ui.bootstrap']);

Here's the HTML:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en" ng-app="testApp">
     <meta charset="utf-8">

     <title>Test angular-translate</title>


   <body ng-controller="testAppController">

     <!-- Declare the view/controller router -->
     <div ng-view></div>

     <!-- angular files -->
     <script src="angular.js"></script>
     <script src="angular-translate.js"></script>
     <script src="ui-bootstrap-tpls-0.4.0.js"></script>

     <!-- Application routing file -->
     <script src="app.js"></script>

     <!-- Application Controller -->
     <script src="testAppController.js"></script>

     <!-- Test translations -->
     <br />
     html text - Und sie untersützt mehrere Sprachen!
     <br />
     angular variable - {{ testPhraseDE }}
     <br />
     $translate filter - {{ 'TEST_DE' | translate }}
     <br />
     $translate directive - <a translate="TEST_DE"> </a>

     <br />

     <br />
     html text - Menú Señor
     <br />
     angular variable - {{ testPhraseES }}
     <br />
     $translate filter - {{ 'TEST_ES' | translate }}
     <br />
     $translate directive - <a translate="TEST_ES"> </a>



Nicolas ABRIC picture Nicolas ABRIC · Dec 16, 2013

Quick question but worth asking (as I always do this mistake :) ) are you sure that your JS file is saved and served by your server in an UTF-8 format? Because nothing seems wrong with your code. I even made it work without the � here. Hope it's only that.