Top "Tikz" questions

TikZ is a set of higher-level TeX macros for producing vector graphics that use PGF (Portable Graphics Format)

How to control font sizes in pgf/tikz graphics in latex?

I'm creating graphs in pgf/tikz. When I use these in my document they are scaled, several are in minipage/…

latex tikz pgf
How to change arrow tip in tikz

Is there a simple way to increase the size of an arrow tip using something like: \tikzset{myptr/.style=-&…

latex tikz
Is it possible to extract TikZ diagrams as image files?

I’m using TikZ to draw diagrams in LaTeX that I then want to isolate as image files to put …

latex tikz texnic-center
Tikz: draw edge from node to label of another edge

I'm trying to figure out how to draw an edge between a node in tikz and the label of an …

latex tikz graph-drawing
ggplot Donut chart

Hi I really have googled this a lot without any joy. Would be happy to get a reference to a …

r graphics ggplot2 tikz
What is the best technology for drawing trees and graphs?

What is the easiest, clearest way to draw graphs and trees for CS theory assignments? I am not happy with …

tree draw tikz
Control font size in graphics in LaTeX when scaling in minipage/subfig?

I am using pgf/tikz graphics and I'm wondering how one can control the scaling of font sizes in the …

latex tikz pgf subfigure
Enter a line break in node text in Latex Tikz library

I've just started using Latex to produce a maths-heavy document. I wanted to include a probability tree and found the …

latex tikz
Latex: stretchable curly braces outside math

I am producing some latex beamer slides (but I think it is not a beamer specific question per se). I …

latex beamer tikz
How to increase the font size of one node label in tikz

I have a tikz picture: \documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{positioning, shapes, shadows, arrows} \begin{document} \thispagestyle{empty} \tikzstyle{abstract}=[…
