How to change arrow tip in tikz

Tsf picture Tsf · Jun 13, 2015 · Viewed 93.9k times · Source

Is there a simple way to increase the size of an arrow tip using something like:

\tikzset{myptr/.style=->, ????}

without designing a new arrow style from scratch?


MattAllegro picture MattAllegro · Jun 18, 2015

One solution, very quick, to just scale the arrow head is number %2 in the following:



\draw [->,>=stealth] (0,.5) -- (2,.5);
\draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with
    {\arrow[scale=3,>=stealth]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (0,0) -- (2,0);


This produces:

enter image description here

(sorry for excessive zoom).

Much more in the answers to this question and in this answer, that I used as a source.


\tikzset approach. This code:



\tikzset{myptr/.style={decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with %
\draw [->,>=stealth] (0,.5) -- (2,.5);
\draw [myptr] (0,0) -- (2,0);


produces the same output as the above one (source: PGF Manual, section 2.8).

Obviously you can use -Latex instead of stealth.