I am producing some latex beamer slides (but I think it is not a beamer specific question per se).
I have the following:
\item Issue1
\item Issue2
\item Issue3
Now, I want to have a right curly brace (i.e. '}') behind the items spreading over issue1 and issue2. And of course I want to write something behind that curly brace.
In a perfect world I would write something like:
\left .
\item Issue1
\item Issue2
\right \} One and Two are cool
\item Issue3
This does not work because I am not in a math environment and I can not put the whole snippet inside a math environment because itemize would not work in that case.
Is there a clean solution or a hack to produce my desired result?
Regards, Bastian.
I'd use tikz
and make an overlay.
First include the proper packages (you may not need to include tikz
since this is a beamer question):
Then when you make your list, give names to the places after each item:
\item Issue 1
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate,yshift=0.5em] (n1) {};
\item Issue 2
\tikz[remember picture] \node[coordinate] (n2) {};
\item Issue 3
(Note: I shifted the y
value up by 1/2 of a line maybe more would be better.)
Because we used remember picture
we can refer to these places in an overlay:
\begin{tikzpicture}[overlay,remember picture]
\path (n2) -| node[coordinate] (n3) {} (n1);
(n1) -- (n3) node[midway, right=4pt] {One and two are cool};
The path is there to deal with items that do not have the same width. This edit comes from ESultanik's answer.
The result is:
Side note: You can remove all of the remember picture
options and add the following to automatically add remember to all pictures:
\tikzstyle{every picture}+=[remember picture]