Top "Pgf" questions

PGF (Portable Graphics Format) is a plat­form- and for­mat-in­de­pen­dent macro pack­age for cre­at­ing graph­ics.

How to control font sizes in pgf/tikz graphics in latex?

I'm creating graphs in pgf/tikz. When I use these in my document they are scaled, several are in minipage/…

latex tikz pgf
Control font size in graphics in LaTeX when scaling in minipage/subfig?

I am using pgf/tikz graphics and I'm wondering how one can control the scaling of font sizes in the …

latex tikz pgf subfigure
How to get one component of a tikz/PGF coordinate?

I'm trying to draw a horizontal line across my diagram. The Y coordinate of the line should be halfway between …

latex tikz pgf
Tikz: horizontal centering of group of nodes

I need to align each row of the graph to the center. I am trying to do it with xshift. …

latex tikz centering pgf
Compare floating point numbers in Latex

I am trying to use \ifthenelse to do a floating point comparison. This is the pgf/tikz code, which works …

latex tikz pgf
Simple plot with pgfplots and LaTeX

I've just been searching like an hour on how to draw a simple function in LaTeX, for example f(x)=…

latex gnuplot tikz pgf