A tensor is a multi-dimensional array.
I am implementing own Keras loss function. How can I access tensor values? What I've tried def loss_fn(y_…
python neural-network keras tensorI am currently using the tensor.resize() function to resize a tensor to a new shape t = t.resize(1, 2, 3). This …
python runtime-error pytorch tensor deprecation-warningWhen the forward function of my neural network (after the training phase is completed) is being executed, I'm experiencing RuntimeError: …
python pytorch torch tensorPretty much what the title says. I've read the documentation and I've played with the function for a while now …
python numpy indexing numpy-ndarray tensorAfter I learned how to use einsum, I am now trying to understand how np.tensordot works. However, I am …
python numpy linear-algebra tensor dot-productI'm having trouble understanding the documentation for PyTorch's LSTM module (and also RNN and GRU, which are similar). Regarding the …
deep-learning pytorch lstm recurrent-neural-network tensorI'm building a model in Keras using some tensorflow function (reduce_sum and l2_normalize) in the last layer while …
python tensorflow machine-learning keras tensorI am new to TensorFlow. While I am reading the existing documentation, I found the term tensor really confusing. Because …
python tensorflow machine-learning deep-learning tensorI'm building a small neural net in Keras meant for a regression task, and I want to use the same …
python tensorflow scikit-learn keras tensor