A tensor is a multi-dimensional array.
My question is in two connected parts: How do I calculate the max along a certain axis of a tensor? …
python tensorflow deep-learning max tensorWhat would be the most efficient way to multiply (element-wise) a 2D tensor (matrix): x11 x12 .. x1N ... xM1 xM2 .. …
python tensorflow linear-algebra matrix-multiplication tensorRuntimeError: invalid argument 0: Sizes of tensors must match except in dimension 2. Got 32 and 71 in dimension 0 at /pytorch/aten/src/THC/…
python machine-learning deep-learning pytorch tensorThe introductory documentation, which I am reading (TOC here) uses the term "batch" (for instance here) without having defined it.
tensorflow machine-learning neural-network deep-learning tensorI am learning tensorflow, I picked up the following code from the tensorflow website. According to my understanding, axis=0 is …
python tensorflow multidimensional-array reduce tensorI have a question about torch.stack I have 2 tensors, a.shape=(2, 3, 4) and b.shape=(2, 3). How to stack them without …
python pytorch tensorx = torch.tensor([3]) I have a tensor object when I print(x) it gives tensor([3]) x.data[0] gives tensor(3) How …
python pytorch tensorI was trying to replicate How to use packing for variable-length sequence inputs for rnn but I guess I first …
deep-learning pytorch recurrent-neural-network tensor zero-paddingThere seems to be several ways to create a copy of a tensor in Pytorch, including y = tensor.new_tensor(…
copy pytorch tensorI get a 1-D IntTensor,but i want to convert it to a integer. I try it by this method: …
pytorch tensor