Top "Teamcity" questions

TeamCity from JetBrains is a continuous integration tool and a distributed Java-based build management system that can be highly beneficial to teams using an agile development approach.

TeamCity Build & Deploy: How do you pass dependent artifact paths to a script?

How do you pass the artifact paths to a script in TeamCity. The scenario is this Build Project Deploy Project (…

deployment build-automation teamcity teamcity-7.0
How should I tell TeamCity's NuGet Installer build step to use both and the TeamCity provided packages source?

I'm having trouble with my NuGet Installer build step. We're using both official packages and our own packages …

teamcity nuget nuget-server
Trigger option to set specific build parameters?

I'm looking for a way to attach some specific build parameter to a scheduled trigger. The idea is that we …

teamcity teamcity-7.0
error MSB4102: The value "" of the "Project" attribute in element <Import> is invalid. Parameter "path" cannot have zero length. F#

I am getting following error while building project in Team city. Same project is getting build on Local machine. Local …

f# teamcity canopy-web-testing
How can I label my build with revision number and not the GUID (in TeamCity)?

I am trying to do "continuous integration" with TeamCity. I would like to label my builds in a incremental way …

mercurial teamcity
Teamcity running build steps even when tests fail

I am having problems with Teamcity, where it is proceeding to run build steps even if the previous ones were …

build teamcity mstest
Continuous Integration for a small .NET open source project

I'm starting a small open source project, myself being the sole contributor for the time. Still, I think a continuous …

open-source continuous-integration teamcity
Continuous Deployment with TeamCity

I recently set up a CI server in TeamCity and now want to take it to the next step, continuous …

deployment teamcity continuous-deployment
Teamcity 9: How to add git short hash into assembly info patcher

I'm trying to use assembly info patcher to create a version number something like: where the last …

git teamcity teamcity-9.0
TeamCity: Type or namespace cannot be found, but the reference exists and my project compiles locally

I have an MVC 3 project. We're using TeamCity, and up until now everything has checked in fine. All …

build reference compilation teamcity checkin