Top "Teamcity" questions

TeamCity from JetBrains is a continuous integration tool and a distributed Java-based build management system that can be highly beneficial to teams using an agile development approach.

Team City Artifact Limit

I need to limit the number of Artifacts a particular build is keeping. This one build generates very large artifact …

build teamcity
How do I setup TeamCity for public access over https?

How do I setup TeamCity 4.0 so that I can access it over port 443 on the internet? e.g. https://teamcity.…

tomcat teamcity reverse-proxy
How to set up SSH authenticated git commands in a TeamCity build step

I need to execute git commands in a TeamCity build step. These git commands need to use a SSH-based url …

git ssh teamcity ssh-keys teamcity-9.0
How to setup a TeamCity build for a ASP.NET 5 project

I'm trying to setup a CI server for a website that I'm developing, but I can't find any info regarding …

msbuild teamcity dnx
List remote refs failed: Connection time out:

I've recently starting seeing the above error with ever-increasing frequency on our build server. Nothing has changed in our TeamCity …

teamcity teamcity-8.0
Why am I getting "svn: connection refused by the server"?

We have a Continuous Integration environment setup with TeamCity and subversion. TeamCity gets the latest source from svn and does …

svn integration teamcity continuous
TeamCity command line build runner: How to make the build fail?

We're using TeamCity's command line build runner to call a bat-file. The bat-file builds our solution by calling the Visual …

visual-studio-2008 command-line teamcity teamcity-5.1
Publishing NuGet Packages - TeamCity

I have just setup TeamCity to automate our builds, our current solution has both a dev and main branch. What …

teamcity nuget octopus-deploy proget
TeamCity: Failed to detect target in MSBuild project

I have some problems with the TeamCity MSBuild replacement I think. I've tried to compile a Delphi 2010 Project (MSBuild compliant) …

msbuild continuous-integration nant teamcity
Assembly Versioning and Dll Versioning in Team City

I want to have these Versions in a format like this.. {Major}.{Minor}.{Build}.{patch} how to set this in …

dll teamcity versioning .net-assembly