Top "Teamcity" questions

TeamCity from JetBrains is a continuous integration tool and a distributed Java-based build management system that can be highly beneficial to teams using an agile development approach.

How to make Octopus deploy choose package version in multiple environment?

We are building packages for multiple deployment environments using TeamCity server and OctoPack. The problem is that tentacle agent chooses …

deployment teamcity nuget octopus-deploy
TeamCity Nuget Installer step fails saying Failed to find NuGet executable

I have created a TeamCity buils step using Nuget Installer, but when I run the steps I get the error : …

nuget teamcity nuget-package nuget-package-restore
Configuring code coverage report for Karma on TeamCity

We are setting up TeamCity to run our jasmine tests using node and karma. The tests run fine and results …

javascript node.js reporting teamcity karma-runner
Run CI build on pull request merge in TeamCity

I have a CI build that is setup in TeamCity that will trigger when a pull request is made in …

merge continuous-integration teamcity bitbucket pull-request
Improving CI build time (.NET)

We are developing an application framework + "plugins" using TeamCity as a CI server. Project Details 4 Visual Studio solutions ~70 projects (and …

c# .net build continuous-integration teamcity
How can I avoid this deep folder structure with MSDeploy to filesystem using MSBuild?

I'm pulling my hair out over this MSBuild issue. We're using TeamCity to build a solution with two MVC websites …

msbuild teamcity msdeploy webdeploy
TeamCity NuGet Installer step issue

I'm building a project in TeamCity with NuGet package restore enabled. I have two build steps: NuGet installer MSBuild One …

teamcity nuget octopus-deploy
Error "no sqljdbc_auth in java.library.path" installing TeamCity on Windows Server 2012

I am installing TeamCity on a Windows 2012 Server. I'm at the database connection setup screen but getting this error. "SQL …

java windows teamcity windows-server-2012
how to run hg recover command on a remote repository

I am getting the following error while running build in teamcity. Failed to collect changes, error: '"C:\Program Files\…

mercurial teamcity tortoisehg recover
Pass variable to puppet on commandline

I'm trying to get TeamCity to trigger a deployment with puppet via the commandline using puppet.bat on Windows. In …

windows teamcity puppet