A user interface pattern that allows for the display of multiple pages or elements with a navigation reference above, below, or to the side of the content.
Here's my fiddle - http://jsfiddle.net/TTBzk/ I want to click the add tab button and have it automatically …
jquery-ui tabs dynamically-generatedMy app is currently using the Fragments/v4 compatibility package to support Android versions all the way down to 1.6. This …
android tabs android-3.0-honeycomb android-actionbarI have a problem reloading an activity with tabs and fragments when I change the orientation of my device. Here's …
android tabs android-fragments device-orientationI have one activity that comprises of three fragments. The fragments use the actionbar tabs using a PagerAdapter. What I …
android android-fragments tabs fragmentpageradapterI am really stuck. I did four Swipe Views with Tabs in my main activity but what I want is …
android tabs android-viewpager android-studio swipeviewI've got a div element: <div id="tab1"> Tab data </div>. How to bind a custom …
jquery tabs jquery-tabsIf I have multiple files in tabs on VIM and I edit few of them. How to save them with …
vim editor tabsI would like to get the effect like if JTabbedPane would be turned 90 degrees counterclockwise (only tabs but not the …
java swing tabs vertical-alignment jtabbedpaneI am using QDockWidgets and placing two of them on the left side of my application so that tabs can …
c++ qt tabs qdockwidget