A user interface pattern that allows for the display of multiple pages or elements with a navigation reference above, below, or to the side of the content.
I opend a post about this before but I feel that I can now (after reading some other posts) better …
java android tabs android-tabhost tabwidgetIt seems the new Timeline for Page will let applications tabs run in a wider canvas. Right now, my tab …
facebook tabs facebook-pageI'm creating an app that uses ActionBarSherlock. The app consists of three tabs, and in each of them, multiple screens …
android tabs actionbarsherlockI was trying to switch from a tab to another tab (which may not be adjacent to the previous tab) …
vim tabsI want to create the following tabs with Angular UI: (source: gyazo.com) So, I'm adding the styles based on …
twitter-bootstrap angularjs tabs angular-ui classnameThe definition of a here-document is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document How can you type a tab …
bash tabs heredocI have used TabLayout from the latest design support library in my app. The tabs are attached to a viewpager …
android android-fragments tabs androiddesignsupport android-tablayoutI need to simulate a tab keypress in Selenium RC, using the Java API. I do this after having entered …
selenium tabs selenium-rc keypressWhenever I add a tab in VS 2010, it puts spaces instead. I know you could fix this problem by going …
visual-studio-2010 tabs spaces