Top "Awtrobot" questions

The Robot class (java.

Programmatically clicking a GUI button in Java Swing

How would I programmatically click a Swing JButton in a way that would register all the relevant action/mouse events …

java swing awtrobot
Convert String to KeyEvents

I want to convert a String into KeyEvent to do something like this : writeKeyboard(myBot,"abcd"); public void writeKeyboard(Robot …

java awtrobot
File Upload using Selenium WebDriver and Java Robot Class

I am using Selenium WebDriver and Java and I need to automate the file upload feature. I tried a lot, …

java selenium selenium-webdriver awtrobot
Use a robot to type characters in Java

I know how to have Robot simulate a Y keypress like so: Robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_Y); But how do …

java keypress awtrobot
How can I programmatically generate keypress events?

What the java program should do is it should trigger keyboard press on some condition without a person pressing a …

java keyboard awt system awtrobot
How do I read pixels from a PNG file?

I know how to capture a screenshot by using Robot, Windowtester or FEST. I also know how to read a …

java pixel awtrobot image-capture fest
Type a String using java.awt.Robot

I already know how to use java.awt.Robot to type a single character using keyPress, as seen below. How …

java swing awtrobot
How can I control the keyboard and mouse with Python?

How can I control the mouse and keyboard in Python? The idea is to do the same as the Robot() …

python linux awtrobot
Using Java to send key combinations

As per this previous link (How to send keyboard outputs) Java can simulate a key being pressed using the Robot …

java awt keypress awtrobot
How to get the x and y of a program window in Java?

Is there a way for me to get the X and Y values of a window in java? I read …

java runtime coordinates jna awtrobot