Top "Awtrobot" questions

The Robot class (java.

How can I make Robot press and hold a mouse button for a certain period of time?

I am using Java to generate a mouse press using the Robot class: robot.mousePress(InputEvent.BUTTON1_MASK); robot.mouseRelease(…

java swing mouseevent awtrobot
Get screen coordinates of a node in javaFX 8

I am developing a JavaFX application on Windows 8.1 64bit with 4GB of RAM with JDK version 8u45 64bit. I want …

java javafx awt javafx-8 awtrobot
How can I make Robot type a `:`?

I want to type : using Java Robot. However, I'm getting an IllegalArgumentException. My code is: robot.keyPress(KeyEvent.VK_SHIFT); …

java awtrobot
Alt+Tab using Java Robot

I am trying to bring up the alt+tab menu with a Java Robot. When I call the alt_tab() …

java tabs awt awtrobot alt
Why do we need Robot class when we have Actions class in selenium

I was going through the selenium learning and when I was exploring interaction with keyboard and mouse topic, I found …

java selenium selenium-webdriver action awtrobot
Java Robot Keypress Command Key

What is the VK_[key] code for the command key on a mac, if one exists? I am trying to …

java macos keyboard awtrobot
Headless environment error in java.awt.Robot class with MAC OS

I am trying to capture screen shots in my JavaFX application using Robot class, this is the code which I …

java macos javafx-2 headless awtrobot
Java bot for an online game

I am creating a bot in java using the java.awt.Robot. The bot works fine on a browser (I …

java bots awtrobot online-game
Selenium Actions or Java AWT Robot?

Until now I have used the Selenium Actions library in order to perform mouse/keyboard actions in our automation project. …

java selenium selenium-webdriver awtrobot
How to move a mouse smoothly throughout the screen by using java?

There is a mouseMove()method that makes the pointer jump to that location. I want to be able to make …

java eclipse awt awtrobot