Top "Jquery-tabs" questions

The Tab widget that forms part of the jQuery.

Get the ID of the tab (div) being activated

I'm using jquery 1.9 and jquery UI 1.10 I want to be able to get the tab ID when clicking on a …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-plugins jquery-tabs
Need currently selected tab ID for jQuery tabs

I know I can get the index of the currently selected tab but can I somehow get to the ID (…

jquery jquery-ui jquery-tabs
Creating a Next button for switching through jQuery tabs

How can I create a button that will scroll to the next jQuery tab. I want to have a next …

jquery html tabs jquery-tabs
Google Maps Not Working in jQuery Tabs

Google maps not working when placed inside jQuery tabs is a question that's all over the web. In my research …

jquery google-maps google-maps-api-3 tabs jquery-tabs
Microsoft JScript runtime error: no such method 'select' for tabs widget instance

I need select specific tab functionality for the jquery tabs on clicking on the html buttons. I am using jquery.1.9.1.…

jquery jquery-ui jquery-tabs
Google Maps and jQuery Tabs

I have slight problem with Google maps included in simple jQuery Tabs. Below I pasted the code: jQuery: $(document).ready(…

jquery google-maps jquery-tabs
jquery ui tabs major style change

I am using jquery UI tabs and I need to majorly change the styling on it. I need to rempve …

javascript jquery jquery-ui-tabs jquery-tabs themeroller
jQuery tabs: panel covers tabs at 100% height

I'm trying to use the tabs widgets of jQuery-UI having panels content to extend to the whole available space. Here's …

jquery css jquery-ui tabs jquery-tabs
JQuery Tools tabs conflicts with JQuery UI

I'm using JQuery tools' tabs feature and at the same time I use JQuery UI. If I include both JS …

jquery jquery-ui jquery-tools jquery-tabs
Calling an event after a jquery tab load

I'm using jQuery tabs. In one of the tabs is a wysiwyg editor that needs to be refreshed after the …

jquery-ui jquery jquery-tabs