A user interface pattern that allows for the display of multiple pages or elements with a navigation reference above, below, or to the side of the content.
Is it possible to add a button to a tabbed pane like in firefox. The plus-button is what I want. …
java button tabs jtabbedpaneI have a page index.php with 3 Bootstrap tabs in it, and for each tab I am generating its content …
javascript twitter-bootstrap tabs seo search-enginehow does one "undo close-tab" in terminal? And quite related to it, is it possible to remember a session of …
linux tabs undo gnome-terminalI have two tab pages hosting TableLayoutPanels that I dynamically populate with labels and textboxes. The first one gets 96 labels …
c# winforms dynamic tabs tablelayoutpanelI was trying to add a dynamic tab on a button click. I successfully completed it. Now I want my …
jquery jquery-ui dynamic tabs jquery-tabsOkay, so i am making an android app that has tabs, now my problem is that the tab widget isn't …
android tabs customization indicator android-tabsThe tabs work nicely when clicked but selecting the default tab on window load fails. The javascript runs, no errors, …
javascript tabs twitter-bootstrap navI posted earlier, but since have made some good progress and figured some stuff out by myself! I have nearly …
excel vba tabs commandbuttonGetting the warning below when resizing ag-Grid (change size of browser window) and switching between two tabs: ag-Grid: tried to …
angular tabs ag-grid ag-grid-ng2 ag-grid-angularI am using ViewpagerIndicator library by Jake Wharton. I am using the tabs code in conjunction with the ActionBarSherlock library. …
android colors background tabs viewpagerindicator