A user interface pattern that allows for the display of multiple pages or elements with a navigation reference above, below, or to the side of the content.
Because i have different tabs, masonry is not loading the hidden items, so when i click on a new tab …
triggers tabs reload jquery-masonryI'm working on the Tabs example from Google Android Developers site (http://developer.android.com/resources/tutorials/views/hello-tabwidget.html) …
android tabs android-manifest tabviewI'm using JQuery UI to make tabs in my application. I needed the tabs to be linkable (direct link that …
jquery jquery-ui tabs jquery-ui-tabs fragment-identifierMy main activity is a TabActivity, but my tabs don't require icons. I know I can omit the icon by …
android tabs android-tabhostI am using tabs to display clear content, but one of them stopped downloading well since it is in the …
javascript twitter-bootstrap tabs toggle leafletI don't know too much about programming but somehow I managed to make a pop-up window work. However, I need …
javascript html tabs popup radioI cannot figure out how to get the back button to show when navigating away from a tabbed view to …
angularjs cordova tabs ionic-framework back-buttonI've tried setting my PROMPT_COMMAND variable: PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;"myWindowTitle"\007"' but something changes my tab (or the …
ubuntu tabs title gnome-terminal