Top "Mdiparent" questions

MDI stands for Multiple Document Interface.

Opening a child form from another child form and set MDI to parent form - how to do?

I have a MDI form. within this MDI form I can open some child forms using: This is within MainForm …

c# winforms mdichild mdiparent
How to show a child form within a mdi container form which its windowstate= maximized?

How can I show a child form within a mdi container form which its windowstate= maximized ? when I put these …

c# winforms childwindow mdiparent
How to avoid Multiple Child forms shown in MDIParent C# Win Forms

I want to avoid my child form from appearing many times when a user tries to open the child form …

c# winforms mdichild mdiparent
How do I display a popup from a WebBrowser in another window I created?

I am trying to implement a simple web browser control in one of my apps. This is to help integrate …

c# webbrowser-control mdiparent
MDI Parent Form Problem setting Parent

I am using a MDI parent form that has a childs and they show up very well when they are …

c# visual-studio-2010 mdichild mdiparent
Setting MdiParent from child form

I have a principal form that contains a menu to open child form: public Le_MainForm() { InitializeComponent(); this.IsMdiContainer = true; ..... } …

c# winforms mdiparent
SplitContainer's panel as the MDI parent for other forms

I have got a control with a Splitcontainer added. I want to place another forms on the second panel (Panel2). …

c# winforms mdiparent splitcontainer
How to remove gray background on MDI parent form?

What I'm trying to do is draw some glass on a form marked as an mdi container. However as soon …

c# forms mdi mdiparent
How to close previous mdi child in parent form

I have a mdi parent form and I open my other forms in run time as mdi child form by …

c# winforms mdichild mdiparent
C# MDI Parent detect when MDI Child is closing?

I'm attempting to detect, on the MDI parent, when my MDI child form closes, and react accordingly. The MDI parent …

c# mdi mdichild mdiparent formclosing