Ok, so a Windows Forms class, WindowSettings, and the form has a "Cancel"-button. When the user clicks the button, …
c# winforms button formclosingI have a single windows form application that is running in system tray icon.If the user press X button … formclosingWhen using the FormClosing event, why does the code e.Cancel = true; work, but new CancelEventArgs().Cancel = true; does not …
c# .net events formclosingI have a code snippet that I want to run when the app is closing. So, I used FormCLosing event. … formclosingI'm use this code for question before closing the application, but it is not working correctly. My code is as …
c# formclosingI am using an MDIParent Form. When I close its child, the object of the child disposes. Is there a …
c# winforms dispose formclosingHow to make unclosed application in C#? I want to disable the 'X' button of the form and prevent the …
c# .net winforms formclosingHow to get to the application closing event? I want to get application to save all unsaved operations or show …
java swing netbeans formclosing jsr296Is there a way in to pause a function\ event and wait till another form has closed to … wait formclosingI am looking to prompt the user to save data when they close a form window in a winforms application. …
.net winforms formclosing