Top "Tabcontrol" questions

A tab control is a control in graphical user interface which contains multiple tab items that share the same space on the screen.

How to make TabPages draggable?

I'd like to enable user to rearrange TabPages order by dragging and dropping. Moreover it'd be cool to enable user …

.net winforms drag-and-drop tabcontrol tabpage
Highlight or underline selected TabPageIndicator

I have a dualpane on a tablet-sized landscape layout and I'm using fragments. On the left I have a fragment …

android android-layout android-viewpager tabcontrol viewpagerindicator
Hiding/blocking tabs using windows forms in c#

The thing is that i have a 'log in window' and a 'mainwindow' that is called after pressing the log …

c# tabcontrol winforms tabpage
How to close tab page on tabcontrol by tab page's name

In c# how can I destroy a tab on a tab control by targeting it's name? I've a tab named "…

c# .net winforms tabcontrol tabpage
Resize TabItem header size inside TabControl

I am using MahApps TabControl and i have several TabItems: <TabControl Name="tabControl" FontSize="12"> <TabItem Header="Statistics" /&…

wpf tabcontrol mahapps.metro
Silverlight TabControl - Finding and selecting a TabItem from a given Control in the TabItem

I am building a LOB application that has a main section and a TabControl with various TabItems in it. On …

silverlight tabcontrol tabitem
WPF TabControl Position Tabs in the top right corner

I have a WPF TabControl that I want to position the tabs with a TabStripPlacement of Top, but I want …

c# wpf xaml tabcontrol direction
Get and Iterate through Controls from a TabItem?

How to get all the Controls/UIElements which are nested in a Tabitem (from a TabControl)? I tried everything but …

c# wpf tabcontrol tabitem
WPF Caliburn.Micro and TabControl with UserControls issue

I'm pretty sure this has been answered somewhere, but I can't seem to find it for the life of me. …

c# wpf mvvm tabcontrol caliburn.micro
TabControl's TabItems sharing same content... Do Not Want

The following example xaml causes each tab item to share the same TextBox. It makes sense, on some level I …

wpf tabcontrol