Top "Caliburn.micro" questions

A small, yet powerful framework, designed for building applications across all XAML platforms.

Must create DependencySource on same Thread as the DependencyObject

I bind observable dictionary from view model to view. I use Caliburn Micro Framework. View: <ListBox Name="Friends" SelectedIndex="{…

c# wpf mvvm caliburn.micro dispatcher
Add multiple views inside a view using WPF and Caliburn.Micro

I'm trying to learn using Caliburn.Micro with WPF. How can I add multiple views inside a view? <Window …

c# wpf mvvm caliburn.micro caliburn
Remove navigation bar on Xamarin Forms app with Caliburn.Micro

When using the FormsApplication base class with a brand new Xamarin.Forms app using Caliburn.Micro, I end up with …

xamarin.forms caliburn.micro
MVVM, Unity, Prism, MEF, Caliburn - What should I use?

Please help - I'm getting lost! I'm writing a small desktop application which has some controls and some screen. This …

prism unity-container mef mvvm-light caliburn.micro
Bind to parent datacontext (out of itemsource)

In my Windows Phone 8 app I have list of items. I have defined ItemTemplate for list items. I want to …

wpf windows-phone-8 mvvm binding caliburn.micro
MahApps MessageBoxes using MVVM

Simple question for the MahApps Merry Men. I have implemented an application using your great metro styled controls using Caliburn.…

c# wpf mvvm caliburn.micro mahapps.metro
How to do caliburn.micro binding of view model to combobox selected value?

I'm relatively low on the curve for both WPF and Caliburn.Micro. My goal here is to move the binding …

c# wpf caliburn.micro
How to close dialog window from viewmodel (Caliburn+WPF)?

I haveViewModel1 and View1 associated with it. I start dialog window from ViewModel2 (some another viewmodel) using IWindowManager object. The …

wpf dialog window caliburn.micro
Autofac and Func factories

I'm working on an application using Caliburn.Micro and Autofac. In my composition root I'm now facing a problem with …

.net mvvm dependency-injection autofac caliburn.micro
Cannot find view for ViewModel

I have a wpf application using Caliburn.Micro. I have a view MyView: <UserControl x:Class="ReferenceMaintenanceWorkspace.MyView" xmlns="…

wpf caliburn.micro