Top "Mahapps.metro" questions


How to change MahApps.Metro dialog content template width?

I would like to change the base template of the MahApps.Metro dialogs (or create a new dialog type), because …

wpf xaml modal-dialog controltemplate mahapps.metro
MahApps MessageBoxes using MVVM

Simple question for the MahApps Merry Men. I have implemented an application using your great metro styled controls using Caliburn.…

c# wpf mvvm caliburn.micro mahapps.metro
Show/hide Mahapps Flyout control

How can I show/hide MahApps Flyout control? Now I have: <controls:FlyoutsControl> <controls:Flyout Header="Flyout" …

c# .net wpf xaml mahapps.metro
Changing The MahApps Metro Theme

I know that the MahApps metro theme comes with "themes" (colour sets), but I don't know how to change them …

wpf visual-c++ themes mahapps.metro
Create a MahApps.Metro custom dialog and displaying it - Step by step howto please

using VS 2013 and MahApps. I want to create a simple totally custion dialog, and am lost. I would like to …

wpf dialog mahapps.metro customdialog
Actually using the Tile Control in MahApps Metro?

I have been working with MahApps Metro UI for couple days now and i have realy enjoyed it. WHen looking …

c# wpf microsoft-metro mahapps.metro
Applying MahApps.Metro Dark theme

I am relatively new to WPF and I am trying to apply Windows Metro Dark theme to my entire application. …

c# .net wpf xaml mahapps.metro
How to put an icon into a button (MahApps)

I want to put a icon from the MahApps library into a normal button. I tried it this way: <…

wpf mahapps.metro
How to add AnimatedTabControl in MahApps.Metro?

I have started learning MahApps.Metro. I read the documentation and got a problem. How to add AnimatedTabControl? I've included …

c# wpf windows-8 mahapps.metro
WPF Metro Window full screen

I'm currently working on a WPF application and I don't find how to make my application in full screen. I …

c# wpf xaml fullscreen mahapps.metro