Top "Tabcontrol" questions

A tab control is a control in graphical user interface which contains multiple tab items that share the same space on the screen.

Changing the text color of the selected tabItem in a TabControl?

In the second code there is a textBlock with the text "Mina övningar" How can I change the text color …

wpf tabcontrol tabitem
Where can I find a nice .NET Tab Control for free?

I'm doing this application in C# using the free Krypton Toolkit but the Krypton Navigator is a paid product which …

c# .net winforms tabcontrol krypton
WPF: TabControl & DataTemplates

I just want to understand the following scenario. Where I am implementing a <TabControl> bound to a ObservableCollection&…

wpf datatemplate tabcontrol
WPF: TabControl and dynamic TabItems

I am trying to create a GUI for my current project using WPF in C#. I would like to have …

c# wpf tabcontrol tabitem
Programmatically change the tab order

How do I programmatically reorder the tabs in a TabControl? I need to sort the tabs depending on some conditions. …

c# winforms tabcontrol tabpage
Adding TabItems dynamically

I have a TabControl control <TabControl Name="Farms_myVillages" ItemsSource="{Binding Villages}"> </TabControl/> In the code …

c# wpf xaml data-binding tabcontrol
WPF TabControl and DataTemplates

I've got a set of ViewModels that I'm binding to the ItemsSource property of a TabControl. Let's call those ViewModels …

wpf tabcontrol datatemplate
How to make Tab pages' widths fit into the TabControl's width

I have a TabControl with two tab pages. How can I make the tab pages fit into the width of …

c# width tabcontrol tabpage
WPF tabcontrol styling

I've got a UI with a fairly standard look and feel. It has a column of icons on the left …

wpf xaml tabcontrol
WPF C# Programmatically adding and moving tabs

I'm currently working on something that is probably done in plenty of examples out there. But after some searching I …

c# wpf tabcontrol