Top "Sysadmin" questions

For creating or editing programs that perform system administration tasks.

Sniffing network traffic for signs of viruses/spyware

How can I connect a system to a network and sniff for virus/spyware related traffic? I'd like to plug …

networking sysadmin virus sniffing spyware
How do I get a list of the active IP-addresses, MAC-addresses and NetBIOS names on the LAN?

How do I get a list of the active IP-addresses, MAC-addresses and NetBIOS names on the LAN? I'd like to …

windows networking powershell sysadmin wsh
Python script to list users and groups

I'm attempting to code a script that outputs each user and their group on their own line like so: user1 …

python linux sysadmin
How to run command on Zabbix agents?

I want to run a command on Zabbix agents: Some simple unix commands, to obtain our reporting data. When there …

sysadmin zabbix
How do I make cron run something every "N"th minute, where n % 5 == 1?

I know that I can have something run every five minutes in cron with a line like: */5 * * * * /my/script What …

linux unix cron sysadmin
Which Linux distribution should I use as a Xen host?

I ordered a server for the home office and I would like to partition it with Xen. I think this …

linux sysadmin xen
Renaming lots of files in Linux according to a pattern

I'm trying to do three things with the mv command, but not sure it's possible? Probably need a script. not …

linux sysadmin
Run a linux system command as a superuser, using a python script

I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating virtual_alias on the fly programmatically(using python)(…

python linux sysadmin sudo root
Logstash not creating index on Elasticsearch

I'm trying to setup a ELK stack on EC2, Ubuntu 14.04 instance. But everything install, and everything is working just fine, …

elasticsearch ubuntu-14.04 logstash kibana sysadmin
PowerShell Script to Get a Directory Total Size

I need to get the size of a directory, recursively. I have to do this every month so I want …

windows powershell scripting filesystems sysadmin