Top "Sysadmin" questions

For creating or editing programs that perform system administration tasks.

Tar error: Unexpected EOF in archive

I tar a directory full of JPEG images: tar cvfz myarchive.tar.gz mydirectory When I untar the archive: tar …

linux sysadmin
When could or should I use chmod g+s on a file or directory?

In deploying to a new (Solaris 9) environment recently, one of the steps was to copy a set of files and …

unix sysadmin
lsof survival guide

lsof is an increadibly powerful command-line utility for unix systems. It lists open files, displaying information about them. And since …

unix sysadmin lsof
Free DNS server for Windows XP/Vista/Win7?

I'm currently developing a security solution that should work across domains and as such I need a small private dns …

dns subdomain sysadmin
How is it possible that kill -9 for a process on Linux has no effect?

I'm writing a plugin to highlight text strings automatically as you visit a web site. It's like the highlight search …

linux process sysadmin kill
How can I automate running commands remotely over SSH to multiple servers in parallel?

I've searched around a bit for similar questions, but other than running one command or perhaps a few command with …

bash ssh command sysadmin
Apache 2 Administration Tools on Ubuntu or Windows

I am totally new to Apache and Ubuntu, is there an admin tools where the available functions and features and …

apache apache2 sysadmin admin
How to find out the free disk space for a given path on a linux shell?

1) I am in some directory 2) I want to find out how much free space is left there Is there a …

linux sysadmin diskspace linux-df
How to install

I have installed Python 2.6.6 at [17:50:21 [email protected]:~]# which python /usr/local/bin/python also Python 2.7.6 at [17:51:12 [email protected]:~]# …

python linux python-2.7 centos sysadmin
How do I daemonize an arbitrary script in unix?

I'd like a daemonizer that can turn an arbitrary, generic script or command into a daemon. There are two common …

perl unix scripting sysadmin daemon