I have got postfix installed on my machine and I am updating virtual_alias on the fly programmatically(using python)(on some action). Once I update the entry in the /etc/postfix/virtual_alias, I am running the command:
sudo /usr/sbin/postmap /etc/postfix/virtual_alias 2>>/work/postfix_valias_errorfile
But I am getting the error:sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo
I want to run the mentioned sudo command in a non-human way(meaning, I am running this system command from a python script.). So how do I get this command run programmatically?
You can either run your python script as root itself - then you won't need to add privilege to reload postfix.
Or you can configure sudo to not need a password for /etc/init.d/postfix
sudo configuration (via visudo) allows NOPASSWD: to allow the command without a password. See http://www.sudo.ws/sudo/man/sudoers.html#nopasswd_and_passwd
<username> ALL = NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/postfix
or something similar.