I'm trying to setup a ELK stack on EC2, Ubuntu 14.04 instance. But everything install, and everything is working just fine, except for one thing.
Logstash is not creating an index on Elasticsearch. Whenever I try to access Kibana, it wants me to choose an index, from Elasticsearch.
Logstash is in the ES node, but the index is missing. Here's the message I get:
"Unable to fetch mapping. Do you have indices matching the pattern?"
Am I missing something out? I followed this tutorial: Digital Ocean
EDIT: Here's the screenshot of the error I'm facing: Yet another screenshot:
I got identical results on Amazon AMI (Centos/RHEL clone)
In fact exactly as per above… Until I injected some data into Elastic - this creates the first day
index - then Kibana starts working. My simple .conf
input {
stdin {
type => "syslog"
output {
stdout {codec => rubydebug }
elasticsearch {
host => "localhost"
port => 9200
protocol => http
cat /var/log/messages | logstash -f your.conf
Why stdin
you ask? Well it's not super clear anywhere (also a new Logstash user - found this very unclear) that Logstash will never terminate (e.g. when using the file
plugin) - it's designed to keep watching.
But using stdin - Logstash will run - send data to Elastic (which creates index) then go away.
If I did the same thing above with the file
input plugin, it would never create the index - I don't know why this is.