Top "Symfony-2.1" questions

This is the Symfony 2.1.x specific tag.

Symfony2 is_granted('IS_AUTHENTICATED_FULLY') during 404 error page display, causing ResourceNotFoundException

I have setup custom error pages to display for certain HTTP errors in the folder: app/Resources/TwigBundle/views/Exception/ …

twig symfony-2.1
How to get container instance in sonata Admin class?

I need to parse some configurations parameters from my config.yml such as enabled languages. But when i try to …

symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Using entity field type in symfony2.1 form

Using Symfony 2.1.3-dev and Doctrine 2.3 I am attempting to build a form which provide multiple options for a user to …

symfony symfony-forms symfony-2.1
How to avoid composer discard changes message

I'm updating symfony verdors via composer. I always do it using: php composer.phar update But recent version of composer, …

php symfony-2.1 composer-php
Fixing requirements in Symfony2

I've made a Symfony2 installation on my machine. When I check the requirements in my local url: localhost/Symfony2/web/…

symfony apache2 php symfony-2.1
MySQL Illegal mix of collations

After viewing my prod logs, I have some error mentionning : [2012-08-31 15:56:43] request.CRITICAL: Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException: An exception occurred …

mysql symfony collation symfony-2.1 fosuserbundle
How do I add an unbound field to a form in Symfony which is otherwise bound to an entity?

Maybe I'm missing the obvious but how do I (or can I) add an extra "unbound" field to a Symfony …

symfony symfony-forms symfony-2.1
Symfony 2: 404 Not Found Error when tryes to open /app_dev.php

I am getting this error message when try to open /app_dev.php An error occurred while loading the web …

symfony nginx http-status-code-404 symfony-2.1 profiler
How to use roles in SonataAdminBundle

I started to use SonataAdminBundle in a Symfony2.1 application. I developed all the Admin classes and now I wish to …

symfony roles symfony-2.1 sonata-admin
Streaming a Response in Symfony2

I am trying this example from the doc: Streaming a Response in Symfony2. /** * @param Request $request * @return Response $render * @Route("/…

symfony symfony-2.1