Top "Symfony-2.1" questions

This is the Symfony 2.1.x specific tag.

Handle errors in Ajax within Symfony2 controller

I am trying to handle errors in Ajax. For this, I am simply trying to reproduce this SO question in …

symfony symfony-2.1
PHP Fatal error: Class 'Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\ApplicationSonataMediaBundle' not found in /var/www/ on line 47

i followed this doc to install SonataMediaBundle but i got this error: PHP Fatal error: Class 'Application\Sonata\MediaBundle\ApplicationSonataMediaBundle' …

symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Testing Controllers in Symfony2 with Doctrine

I have created a very simple REST controller in Symony2 with Database insert/updates/deletes in the controller actions. Is …

php symfony phpunit symfony-2.1
sonata_type_model / symfony form one to many relationship not saving

I have a one to many relationship between accounts and users. I am using sonata admin for CRUD. As I …

symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-forms symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Best Symfony 2 (2.1+) forum bundle

I'm looking for Symfony2 forum bundle, which is: working not dead supports sf 2.1 Anyone knows of such a thing?

bundle forum symfony-2.1
JMSSerializerBundle RuntimeException: you must define a type for Entity::$field

I'm having this issue with JMSSerializerBundle. It basically gives me an exception for something that I've already done. This is …

symfony doctrine doctrine-orm symfony-2.1 jmsserializerbundle
Symfony2.1 - The option "em" does not exist when using DataTransformer

I am using this cookbook recipe to add a data transformer in Symfon 2.1, but I am getting the following error, …

symfony-2.1 data-transfer-objects
symfony2.1 bundle version confusion, for symfony and sonata admin / knp menu bundle

I want to use symfony2.1 for a new project. I try to install symfony2 with composer. But there were multiple …

symfony symfony-2.1 composer-php sonata-admin knpmenubundle
How to retrieve a streamed response (e.g. download a file) with Symfony test client

I am writing functional tests with Symfony2. I have a controller that calls a getImage() function which streams an image …

symfony streaming symfony-2.1 functional-testing
Symfony2: How to properly include assets in conjunction with Twig template inheritance?

I'm currently developing a web application using Symfony 2.1.0. I've read through the Templating chapter of the book and I'm trying …

php symfony twig assets symfony-2.1