Top "Symfony-2.1" questions

This is the Symfony 2.1.x specific tag.

How to add an autocomplete field in a Symfony2 form for a collection and using Propel?

I'm using Symfony 2.1 forms with PropelBundle and I'm trying to refactor a form that had a drop-down list of objects (…

propel symfony-forms symfony-2.1
Mixing route and query parameters using FOSRestBundle with Symfony

Using Symfony2 and FOSRestBundle I am attempting to implement API methods that have some number of fixed parameters defined in …

symfony symfony-2.1 fosrestbundle
When are user roles refreshed and how to force it?

First off, I'm not using FOSUserBundle and I can't because I'm porting a legacy system which has its own Model …

security symfony roles symfony-2.1 symfony-security
Bundle "ApplicationSonataUserBundle" does not exist or it is not enabled

I need to install the SonataUserBundle to be able to install the SonataNewsBundle. I followed the installation Tutorial step by …

symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-sonata sonata-admin
Symfony2 passing associative array as argument in service definition issue

I am trying to pass an associative array as argument to a service definition (Solarium, to be precise). However, I …

symfony symfony-2.1
JMSSerializerBundle. no control over third party meta data

I have two entities I wish to serialize with the JMSSerializerBundle. The Music Entity has a mapping-file with exclusion_policy: …

serialization symfony symfony-2.1 symfony-2.0 jmsserializerbundle
How to convert object to JSON in symfony2

I am using this: $users = $em->getRepository('UserBundle:User')->getallUsers($search); $response = new Response(json_encode($users)); $…

php doctrine-orm symfony-2.1
Customize form field rendering

I would like to customize the rendering of a form field in the edit page from sonata admin bundle to …

forms symfony-2.1 sonata-admin
Listener "SoftDeleteableListener" was not added to the EventManager

I followed the this example to test softdeletable extension on my project running Symfony 2.1.0-DEV. I configured my config.yml …

doctrine-orm soft-delete symfony-2.1
How to install your own bundle with Composer in Symfony 2.1?

I've just moved to Symfony 2.1, and I can't understand, how can I install my own bundles with Composer? It was …

php symfony-2.1 composer-php