Top "Symfony-security" questions

The Symfony security component is a standalone library that can be used outside of Symfony2 projects.

How to check if an user is logged in Symfony2 inside a controller?

I read here how to check the login status of an user by inside a twig template for a Symfony2…

symfony login symfony-security
How to programmatically login/authenticate a user?

I'd like to log the user in right after the registration process, without passing by the login form. Is this …

php symfony authentication symfony-security
Redirect after login in Symfony 2

In Symfony 2 you can set up a target for the logout so that after logout you will be redirected to /…

symfony redirect symfony-2.1 symfony-security
You have requested a non-existent service "security.context"

i create service but it doesn't work services: redirectionListener: class: Front\EcommerceBundle\Listener\RedirectionListener arguments: ["@service_container","@session"] tags: - { …

php symfony fosuserbundle symfony-security
When are user roles refreshed and how to force it?

First off, I'm not using FOSUserBundle and I can't because I'm porting a legacy system which has its own Model …

security symfony roles symfony-2.1 symfony-security
Symfony access control with variable inside route

I'm defining security for my website in security.yml - { path: ^/login$, role: IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY } - { path: ^/register, role: …

php symfony symfony-security
Authenticate multiple symfony2 firewalls with one login form

I have two firewalls: api (for API calls) main (for everything else) My client app login happens via the main …

symfony firewall symfony-security
Secure all urls in Symfony2

I am using Symfony 2.6.6. And my structure folder ExampleBundle Controller LoginController.php Other1Controller.php Other2Controller.php ... LoginController has …

symfony symfony-security