In computer programming, a switch, case, select or inspect statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to invoke specific blocks of code based on variable contents.
I'm using Eclipse for Python and R development. How can I jump between editor tab and console window using a …
eclipse tabs switch-statement hotkeysIn the following piece of code, I use the standard [[fallthrough]] attribute from C++1z to document that a fallthrough …
c++ switch-statement c++17 fall-throughI would like to know how Java handles multiple identical instances of the same case. I think the following makes …
java switch-statement multiple-instancesI have a simple switch-statement that is not that simple. switch(bubble?.name){ //bubble is SKPhysicsBody case "largeBubble": // <= error …
swift switch-statement skphysicsbodyif i'm looping over an array, and while in the middle of one of the loops i discover some small …
php loops foreach switch-statement continueI'm trying to write a program that will switch any letter of the alphabet (upper or lower cases) into the …
java string switch-statement java.util.scanner phoneticsHow to handle multiple values inside one case? So if I want to execute the same action for value "first …
c# .net switch-statement case-statementAs I found out that I can use only numerical values in C++'s switch statements, I thought that there …
c++ visual-c++ if-statement switch-statement visual-c++-2010I have a variable that can either be boolean false, or an integer (including 0). I want to put it in …
javascript types comparison type-conversion switch-statementI started learning Dart today, and I've come across something that my google skills are having trouble finding. How do …
switch-statement dart fall-through