Top "Fall-through" questions

Use fall-through to refer to an idiom where a multi-way branch statement (such as a switch statement in C) intentionally enters the next branch after completing the current one (falling through to the next case).

Test for multiple cases in a switch, like an OR (||)

How would you use a switch case when you need to test for a or b in the same case? …

javascript switch-statement fall-through
Do Go switch/cases fallthrough or not?

What happens when you reach the end of a Go case, does it fall through to the next, or assume …

go switch-statement fall-through
How to use __attribute__((fallthrough)) correctly in gcc

Code sample: int main(int argc, char **argv) { switch(argc) { case 0: argc = 5; __attribute__((fallthrough)); case 1: break; } } Using gcc 6.3.0, with -std=…

c gcc switch-statement fall-through
Why is GCC warning me about a fallthrough even when I use [[fallthrough]]?

In the following piece of code, I use the standard [[fallthrough]] attribute from C++1z to document that a fallthrough …

c++ switch-statement c++17 fall-through
Switch fallthrough in Dart

I started learning Dart today, and I've come across something that my google skills are having trouble finding. How do …

switch-statement dart fall-through