Top "Switch-statement" questions

In computer programming, a switch, case, select or inspect statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to invoke specific blocks of code based on variable contents.

How to write switch statement with "or" logic?

Below, I have created a simple switch statement that works fine. I was wondering how I could change this code …

c switch-statement or-operator
Switch (Select) statement in Xaml Binding?

Is there a way to create a conditional binding in XAML? Example: <Window x:Name="Me" DataContext="{Binding ElementName=…

wpf xaml binding switch-statement datatrigger
Break out out forloop but within switch statement php

When I normally want to break out of a foreach loop before all of the iterations have completed I simply …

php switch-statement break for-loop
how to switch between front and back camera when using MediaRecorder android

if anyone has any idea that how to switch between front and back camera when using MediaRecorder . I defing a …

android camera switch-statement mediarecorder
PHP: Breaks in default case switches?

switch ($var) { case 0: // Do something... break; case 1: // Do something... break; default: // Do something... break; } I've seen some people use break …

php switch-statement case break
Java generic method to get value of type by using switch on type

I want to have something like this below (example how I would do this in C#), to get typed value …

java generics methods switch-statement typeof
Java Enums - Switch statements vs Visitor Pattern on Enums - Performance benefits?

I have been searching around for days to find an answer to this performance based issue. After digging the Internet …

java enums performance switch-statement visitor-pattern
C/Arduino switch case

I'm writing code on Arduino (very similar to C, which I don't know, or very little), and I have a …

c arduino switch-statement case robot
multiple expressions in one switch statement

It is my first time using the switch statement in Javascript. Is there a way to evaluate multiple conditions one …

javascript switch-statement processing.js
This source code is switching on a string in C. How does it do that?

I'm reading through some emulator code and I've countered something truly odd: switch (reg){ case 'eax': /* and so on*/ } How …

c switch-statement label constants