In computer programming, a switch, case, select or inspect statement is a type of selection control mechanism used to invoke specific blocks of code based on variable contents.
[Context: I'm trying to create a shortcut to a .bat file with a relative "Start in" path as roughly described …
shell windows-7 cmd switch-statement desktop-shortcutIs there a way to write this on fewer lines, but still easily readable? var month = ''; switch(mm) { case …
javascript date switch-statement date-formatEvery one of us has (probably) had the childhood dream of writing: switch(my_std_string) { case "foo": do_stuff(); …
c++ switch-statement stdstring c++17 string-literalsWhat is the point with using { and } in a case statement? Normally, no matter how many lines are there in …
c++ switch-statementI have a bunch of strings in my resource(.resx) file. I am trying to directly use them as part …
c# .net switch-statement embedded-resourceJust out of curiosity. If I have the following Code public static string Format(dynamic exception) { switch (exception.GetType().ToString()) { …
c# exception switch-statement dynamic-variables object-to-stringCan I use intervals in a switch statement? Like switch (parseInt(troops[i])) { case <10: = "13px"; break; …
javascript switch-statement intervalsIt is my understanding that a switch statement in c/c++ will sometimes compile to a jump table. My question …
c++ switch-statement jump-tableI just cannot think of the code. I have waay too many if statments which I want to change to …
php switch-statement strstrIs there a reason for not being able to handle a generic variable by the type pattern? Please consider the …
c# generics switch-statement c#-7.0