Top "Swig" questions

SWIG is an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.

Easiest way of unit testing C code with Python

I've got a pile of C code that I'd like to unit test using Python's unittest library (in Windows), but …

python c unit-testing swig
How do I propagate C++ exceptions to Python in a SWIG wrapper library?

I'm writing a SWIG wrapper around a custom C++ library which defines its own C++ exception types. The library's exception …

python exception swig
SWIG wrapping C++ for Python: translating a list of strings to an STL vector of STL strings

I would like to wrap a C++ function with SWIG which accepts a vector of STL strings as an input …

c++ python string vector swig
How can I build this simple C++/SWIG/C# project in Visual Studio 2010?

I need help setting up a simple C++/C# SWIG project. I am having a hard time putting together a …

c++ visual-studio-2010 c#-4.0 swig
SWIG C++ Python: wrapping int by reference or pointer

I'm trying to wrap some C++ functions into a Python wrapper. For this, it seems SWIG is a nice and …

c++ python reference integer swig
How can I read the window title with JNI or JNA?

Looking to get back into the development space; primarily using Java to call some native win32 functions (I don't desire …

java winapi java-native-interface swig jna
How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?

I have a class interface written in C++. I have a few classes that implement this interface also written in …

c++ python swig boost-python
SWIG C-to-Python Int Array

I am trying to access a C function with the following prototype from python using swig: int cosetCoding(int writtenDataIn, …

python c linux swig
Swig Fatal Python error: PyThreadState_Get: no current thread Abort trap: 6 with Python 2.7.5

Before I upgraded Python I used Python 2.7.2 and there was no problem with Swig when I imported the generated dynamic …

python swig dylib
What are the best practices when using SWIG with C#?

Has anybody out there used the SWIG library with C#? If you have, what pitfalls did you find and what …

c# c swig