Top "Swig" questions

SWIG is an interface compiler that connects programs written in C and C++ with scripting languages such as Perl, Python, Ruby, and Tcl.

Python SVN bindings for Windows

Where can I find precompiled Python SWIG SVN bindings for Windows?

python windows svn swig precompiled
Looking for a convenient way to call Java from C++

It seems most documentation or helper libraries relating to JNI (Java Native Interface) are concerned with calling native code from …

java java-native-interface swig invocation
How to expose std::vector<int> as a Python list using SWIG?

I'm trying to expose this function to Python using SWIG: std::vector<int> get_match_stats(); And I …

c++ python stl swig
Wrapping a C++ class in Python using SWIG

example.h: #ifndef EXAMPLE_H #define EXAMPLE_H class Math { public: int pi() const; void pi(int pi); private: int _…

c++ python swig
How to create a DLL with SWIG from Visual Studio 2010

I've been trying for weeks to get Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 to create a DLL for me with SWIG. If you …

c++ python visual-studio-2010 swig
Python.h not found using swig and Anaconda Python

I'm trying to compile a simple python/C example following this tutorial: I'm on …

python c macos swig anaconda
CMake Error: Could NOT find SWIG (missing: SWIG_DIR)

I wanted to test out Pocketsphinx in Node.JS. It says I need to install Swig version 3.0.7 or above. I …

node.js cmake swig pocketsphinx
Exposing a C++ API to Python

I'm currently working on a project were I had to wrap the C++ classes with Python to be able to …

c++ python boost swig
Swig / Python memory leak detected

I have a very complicated class for which I'm attempting to make Python wrappers in SWIG. When I create an …

python memory-leaks swig
SWIG and C++ shared library

I have a C++ library (let's call it mylib) which compiles to file in /usr/local/lib and …

c++ python linker g++ swig