Top "Precompiled" questions

The directory '/website/App_Code/' is not allowed because the application is precompiled

How can I resolve the below issue that I get when I am running my precompiled web app? Server Error …

c#-4.0 precompiled
Decompile Precompiled Source Code ASP.NET

we have an application in production and the code is in Pre-Compiled form. The developer who developed that application left … precompiled
What is the purpose of precompiledApp.config?

If you precompile a web site and keep it updatable, the ASP.NET parser can see from the Page directive … webforms precompiled
What is the difference between allowing a precompiled Visual Studio Web Page to be updatable and not?

I've built a web site several times using the default "allow this precompiled site to be updatable" however on the … visual-studio dll precompiled
Python SVN bindings for Windows

Where can I find precompiled Python SWIG SVN bindings for Windows?

python windows svn swig precompiled
rails 4 image_tag is not linking to my digested image assets

In rails 4 my image_tag("assets/logo.png") is not linking to the file with digest, the assets are precompiled …

ruby-on-rails-4 asset-pipeline assets digest precompiled
Global.asax not loading for precompiled website

I used Visual Studio 2008 to publish my website. When I bring up the website on the server (Windows 2008 … iis-7 precompiled
How to precompile a Web Application project?

I've heard recently that you can precompile Web Application projects. My question is how? Right now, when I do a … visual-studio-2008 web-application-project precompiled
Precompiled CSS not found in Rails 3.1 production mode

When I start up rails in production mode, it precompiles all the assets but is unable to serve the application.…

ruby-on-rails ruby-on-rails-3.1 precompiled
Rails 500 Error: application.css isn't precompiled

I've got Rails running on Passenger with Apache on an Ubuntu linux box (ve) Server from Mediatemple. My app is …

ruby-on-rails apache passenger precompiled